House Painting in Vineland, NJ & Millville, NJ | DJ’s Painting
Let us know what we can do for you. Our expert painters are standing by waiting to make you proud of your home!
DJ'S Painting
DJ's Painting Local
168 Richards Rd.
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Business Hours
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr
9:00am – 4:00pm
DJ's Painting has been South Jersey's home painter since 1986. Having painted thousands of homes in New Jersey including log cabin staining, DJ's Painting is the only choice when you want your home to look brand new again. We have the experience needed to get the job done right on every house painting project.
DJ's Painting can offer your facility more than just industrial painting. DJ's Painting can offer systems that will keep hot surfaces cool to the touch, saving energy costs for your business. Contact DJ's Painting today to find out about this system and other options like floor coatings to have your facility running and looking its best.